lunedì, 20 maggio 2024, 02:10
Sito: The CSI Linux Academy
Corso: The CSI Linux Academy (CSI Linux Academy)
Glossario: The CSI Linux Knowledge Base

Incident severity levels

Incident severity levels categorize the severity or impact of security incidents based on predefined criteria such as the extent of damage, the potential harm to systems or data, and the disruption to business operations. These levels typically range from low to high severity and are useful for prioritizing incident response efforts, allocating resources, and communicating the urgency of addressing the incident. Common severity levels include informational, low, medium, high, and critical, with corresponding escalation procedures and response actions.

Levels are determined and defined by each business and/or industry, but common severity levels include:

  • Critical: Complete loss of mission-critical service, no workaround available
  • High: Significant loss of service, no workaround, but operations can continue in a restricted manner
  • Medium: Minor loss of service, inconvenient but does not impede operations
  • Low: General inquiries or suggestions, no service impact

Critical Incidents

  • Definition: These incidents result in a complete loss of mission-critical services, where no workaround is available. The impact is severe, potentially leading to significant financial losses, reputational damage, or operational halts.
  • Response: Immediate response is required. Incident response teams must work around the clock to restore services. Escalation procedures involve the highest levels of management, including C-suite executives.
  • Example: A ransomware attack that encrypts all business-critical data, rendering systems inoperable.

High Incidents

  • Definition: These involve significant loss of service, with no available workaround. Although operations can continue in a restricted manner, the impact is substantial.
  • Response: Prompt response is necessary. Incident response teams must address the issue swiftly to restore full functionality. Escalation to senior management is common.
  • Example: A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that severely disrupts customer-facing services but does not completely halt operations.

Medium Incidents

  • Definition: These incidents cause minor loss of service. They are inconvenient but do not impede overall operations. The impact is moderate.
  • Response: The response is prioritized but not as urgent as critical or high incidents. Standard incident management processes are followed.
  • Example: A malware infection on a non-critical system that can be isolated and removed without affecting broader business functions.

Low Incidents

  • Definition: These are general inquiries or suggestions that do not impact service. They are often routine issues or minor annoyances.
  • Response: These incidents are addressed as part of regular maintenance and support activities. They do not require immediate attention.
  • Example: A user reporting a minor bug in a software application that does not affect its primary functions.

Importance of Incident Severity Levels

  • Prioritization: Incident severity levels help organizations prioritize their response efforts. Critical and high-severity incidents receive immediate attention, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are needed most.
  • Resource Allocation: By categorizing incidents, organizations can allocate their technical and human resources more efficiently. This ensures that the most severe incidents are handled by the most experienced personnel.
  • Communication: Severity levels provide a common language for communicating the urgency and impact of incidents across the organization. This clarity helps in coordinating response efforts and escalating issues appropriately.
  • Escalation Procedures: Defined severity levels come with corresponding escalation procedures, ensuring that incidents are addressed at the right management level and with appropriate urgency.
  • Response Actions: Each severity level has predefined response actions, enabling a standardized approach to incident management. This consistency ensures that incidents are handled systematically and effectively.


  • NIST Special Publication 800-61 Revision 2 - Computer Security Incident Handling Guide. This guide by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides detailed procedures for incident handling and categorization of severity levels.
  • ISO/IEC 27035:2016 - Information Security Incident Management. This international standard outlines best practices for incident management, including the classification of incidents based on severity.
  • SANS Institute - Incident Handler's Handbook. This handbook offers practical insights into incident handling, including severity level categorization and response actions.
  • CERT/CC - Carnegie Mellon University. The CERT Coordination Center provides guidelines on incident management, including severity levels and escalation procedures.



An indicator of compromise (IOC) is a piece of evidence that suggests that an information system or network has been compromised or is at risk of being compromised. This could include suspicious activity or behavior, changes in system configurations, or other anomalies that suggest the presence of malicious activity.

There are many different types of IOCs that can be used to detect and identify potential threats to a system or network. Some examples include:

  1. Malware: Malware, or malicious software, is a type of IOC that is used to infect a system or network with malicious code. This could include viruses, worms, trojans, or other types of malware that are designed to compromise the security of a system or network.

  2. Network traffic: Network traffic is another type of IOC that can be used to identify potential threats. This could include unusual traffic patterns, such as large amounts of data being transferred between two systems, or strange connections to external servers.

  3. System logs: System logs are a valuable resource for identifying IOCs because they record all activity on a system or network. This could include logins, file access, and other system events that could be indicative of malicious activity.

  4. File changes: Changes to system or network files can also be an IOC. For example, if a system administrator notices that a critical system file has been modified without their knowledge, this could be an indication of a compromise.

  5. User behavior: User behavior is another type of IOC that can be used to identify potential threats. This could include unusual logins, access to sensitive data, or other unusual activities that might suggest malicious intent.

Overall, IOCs are an important tool for detecting and responding to potential security threats. By monitoring for these indicators, organizations can take proactive steps to protect their systems and networks from compromise.



KeePassXC is a free, open-source password manager designed to help users securely store and manage their passwords, login information, and other sensitive data. As a community-developed fork of the original KeePass password safe, KeePassXC builds upon the solid foundation of its predecessor by offering enhanced features, improved security, and a more user-friendly interface, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Secure Storage: KeePassXC uses a highly secure encryption algorithm (AES-256, ChaCha20, or Twofish) to protect your database of passwords and sensitive information. This ensures that your data remains safe from unauthorized access, even if your device is compromised.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, KeePassXC provides a consistent user experience across different operating systems, allowing users to access their password database on multiple devices seamlessly.
  • Password Generation: It includes a built-in password generator that can create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts, significantly enhancing your online security by avoiding password reuse.
  • Auto-Type and Browser Integration: KeePassXC offers an Auto-Type feature and browser integration through extensions, enabling users to fill in usernames and passwords automatically without the need to copy and paste, reducing the risk of keyloggers capturing your credentials.
  • Database Organization: Users can organize their entries into groups and use tags for easy management and retrieval of their data. Advanced search capabilities also allow users to quickly find specific entries.
  • Attachment Support: KeePassXC allows users to attach files and documents to their database entries, providing a secure way to store sensitive documents alongside corresponding passwords.
  • Security Enhancements: Features like a password health check, which identifies weak, reused, or old passwords, and a security audit that assesses the overall security of your database, help users maintain strong security practices.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): KeePassXC supports the use of two-factor authentication for accessing the password database, adding an additional layer of security beyond just the master password.

KeePassXC distinguishes itself from other password managers through its robust security features, no-nonsense approach to user privacy, and the fact that it does not store user data on a centralized server. This decentralized approach means that users retain full control over their data, with the database typically stored locally on a user's device or in a location of their choosing, such as a USB drive or a cloud storage service they trust.

Moreover, being open-source, KeePassXC's codebase is available for scrutiny by anyone, which contributes to its security and reliability—security experts, developers, and users can examine the code for vulnerabilities, ensuring that any potential security issues can be identified and addressed promptly.

KeePassXC represents a powerful tool in the arsenal of individuals and organizations aiming to enhance their cybersecurity posture. By centralizing the management of passwords and sensitive information in a secure, encrypted database, it not only simplifies the task of password management but also significantly mitigates the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks. With its comprehensive set of features, cross-platform support, and commitment to privacy and security, KeePassXC is an excellent choice for anyone looking to take control of their digital security.


KeePass Password Safe
Course: CSI Linux Certified OSINT Analyst | CSI Linux Academy
Course: CSI Linux Certified Social Media Investigator | CSI Linux Academy
Course: CSI Linux Certified Dark Web Investigator | CSI Linux Academy


Live Response

Live response refers to the process of collecting volatile data from a running system during an active security incident or investigation. It involves using specialized tools and techniques to extract and analyze data from memory, network connections, running processes, and other transient system artifacts without disrupting ongoing operations or altering the system's state.

Purpose and Importance

  • Real-Time Analysis: Live response allows investigators to capture and analyze data that is only available when the system is running. This includes information about active processes, network connections, and user sessions that are not stored on disk and would be lost upon system shutdown.
  • Immediate Action: In the event of a security incident, rapid collection of volatile data can provide critical insights that guide immediate response actions, such as isolating a compromised system or blocking malicious network traffic.
  • Preservation of Evidence: Properly conducted live response ensures that crucial evidence is preserved in its original state as much as possible, aiding in subsequent forensic analysis and legal proceedings.

Key Components of Live Response

  • Memory Dump: Extracting the contents of a system's RAM can reveal a wealth of information, including running processes, loaded modules, open files, and even remnants of network communication.
  • Process Analysis: Identifying and analyzing running processes helps in detecting malicious or suspicious activities that might indicate a compromise.
  • Network Connections: Capturing data about active network connections can identify unauthorized access or data exfiltration attempts.
  • User Sessions: Information about active user sessions, including login times and accessed resources, can help in tracking the actions of potential insiders or external attackers.
  • System Configuration: Documenting the current system configuration, including active services, scheduled tasks, and startup programs, can provide context for the incident and assist in identifying misconfigurations or vulnerabilities exploited by attackers.

Memory Analysis Tools

  • Volatility: An open-source framework for memory forensics that supports various operating systems. It allows investigators to extract information from memory dumps, such as running processes, loaded DLLs, network connections, and more.
  • Rekall: Another powerful memory forensics framework that enables analysis of memory dumps and real-time memory analysis on live systems.

Network Analysis Tools

  • Wireshark: A widely-used network protocol analyzer that captures and interacts with network traffic in real-time. It helps in identifying unusual or malicious network activity.
  • tcpdump: A command-line packet analyzer that provides detailed information about network traffic. It is useful for capturing and analyzing network packets on live systems.

Process Monitoring Tools

  • Process Explorer: A Windows utility that provides detailed information about running processes, including their hierarchical structure, resource usage, and loaded DLLs. It is useful for identifying suspicious or malicious processes.
  • pslist/ps: Command-line tools available on Windows (Sysinternals suite) and Unix-like systems, respectively, that list currently running processes and their details.

Live Response Techniques

  • Scripted Collection: Using scripts to automate the collection of volatile data ensures consistency and reduces the likelihood of human error. Scripts can be customized to gather specific data points required for the investigation.
  • Secure Data Transfer: Collected data should be securely transferred to a trusted system for analysis. This can be achieved using encrypted network channels or secure storage devices.
  • Minimal Impact: Tools and techniques used during live response should have minimal impact on the system's performance and state to avoid alerting attackers or disrupting legitimate operations.


  • Data Volatility: Volatile data is fleeting and can be overwritten or lost quickly. Timely and efficient data collection is critical.
  • System Stability: Running certain tools on a live system can cause instability or crashes. Selecting the right tools and techniques is essential to minimize risks.
  • Legal Considerations: Collecting live data must be done in accordance with legal and organizational policies to ensure the admissibility of evidence in legal proceedings.

Best Practices

  • Preparation: Establish clear procedures and prepare necessary tools in advance to ensure a swift and effective live response when an incident occurs.
  • Documentation: Meticulously document each step of the live response process, including tools used, data collected, and actions taken. This documentation is vital for forensic integrity and legal compliance.
  • Training: Regularly train incident response teams on live response techniques and tools to ensure they are proficient in handling real-time investigations.


Lokinet is an advanced privacy network that offers secure and anonymous internet browsing. It operates by encrypting user data and routing it through a series of nodes within its network, effectively masking users' IP addresses and online activities. This process ensures a high level of privacy and security for its users, making it challenging for third parties to track or intercept their internet traffic.

Developed with a focus on privacy and freedom of information, Lokinet is utilized by a broad spectrum of individuals, including those concerned about personal privacy, as well as journalists, activists, and others in need of secure communication channels. Lokinet is particularly valued in environments where internet access is censored or heavily monitored.

To access the network, users must install specialized software provided by the Lokinet project. This software enables connection to the Lokinet network and is designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal configuration. Unlike traditional internet browsing, Lokinet offers an added layer of privacy by preventing websites from tracking user activities and locations.

Lokinet is distinguished by its use of onion routing and its integration with the Oxen blockchain, which provides a decentralized and incentivized node network. This unique combination enhances the network's resilience and security. Lokinet also supports access to "Snapps," privacy-focused applications and services that operate exclusively within the Lokinet ecosystem.

While Lokinet is a powerful tool for enhancing online privacy, users should be aware of the potential for its misuse in accessing or distributing illicit content. Despite these concerns, Lokinet remains a crucial technology for individuals and organizations prioritizing confidentiality and freedom of information on the digital front.


Lokinet | Anonymous internet access
Introduction to Oxen | Oxen Docs
The Synergy of Lokinet and Oxen in Protecting Digital Privacy
Course: CSI Linux Certified Dark Web Investigator | CSI Linux Academy
Course: CSI Linux Certified Covert Comms Specialist (CSIL-C3S) | CSI Linux Academy


Malware Analysis

Malware analysis is the process of studying and examining malicious software (malware) in order to understand how it works, what it does, and how it can be detected and removed. This is typically done by security professionals, researchers, and other experts who specialize in analyzing and identifying malware threats.

There are several different techniques and approaches that can be used in malware analysis, including:

  1. Static analysis: This involves examining the code or structure of the malware without actually executing it. This can be done manually or using automated tools and can help identify the specific functions and capabilities of the malware.

  2. Dynamic analysis: This involves running the malware in a controlled environment (such as a sandbox) in order to observe its behavior and effects. This can help identify how the malware interacts with other systems and processes, and what it is designed to do.

  3. Reverse engineering: This involves disassembling the malware and examining its underlying code in order to understand how it works and what it does. This can be done manually or using specialized tools.

Examples of malware analysis include:

  1. Identifying a new strain of ransomware and determining how it encrypts files and demands payment from victims.

  2. Analyzing a malware sample to determine its origin, target, and intended purpose.

  3. Examining a malicious email attachment in order to understand how it infects a computer and what it does once it is executed.

  4. Reverse engineering a piece of malware to identify vulnerabilities or weaknesses that can be exploited to remove or mitigate its effects.


Dynamic Analysis
Course: CSI Linux Certified Dark Web Investigator | CSI Linux Academy


The master boot record (MBR) is a small piece of code located on the first sector of a hard drive that is responsible for booting the operating system. When a computer is turned on, the MBR is loaded into memory and executes the bootloader, which then loads the operating system.

The MBR consists of several components, including:

  1. A bootstrap program: This is a small piece of code that is responsible for loading the bootloader into memory.

  2. A partition table: This table contains information about the layout of the hard drive, including the location and size of each partition.

  3. A disk signature: This is a unique identifier for the hard drive that is used to identify it to the operating system.

The MBR has a fixed size of 512 bytes and is typically stored on a hard drive in the first sector. It is important to note that the MBR is separate from the bootloader and the operating system, and is not affected by changes to these components.

One example of the importance of the MBR is in the case of malware that infects the MBR. Some types of malware, such as bootkits, are designed to infect the MBR and modify the boot process in order to gain access to the system. This can allow the malware to persist even after the operating system is reinstalled, making it difficult to remove.

In order to protect against MBR infections, it is important to regularly update the operating system and antivirus software, and to be cautious when downloading and installing software from untrusted sources. Additionally, it is a good practice to regularly create backups of the MBR in case it is compromised.

Meta Data

Meta data refers to data about data, or information that provides context and context for a specific set of data. In computer forensics, meta data can be incredibly useful in helping to identify and understand the context of various types of data that may be present on a computer or digital device.

Here are some examples of meta data in computer forensics:

  1. File metadata: This refers to information about a specific file, such as its name, size, creation date, last modified date, and any other relevant details. For example, if a forensic investigator is examining a computer for evidence of illegal activity, they may look at the file metadata for files that were created or modified around the time of the alleged crime.

  2. Email metadata: Email metadata includes information about an email message, such as the sender, recipient, subject line, and any other details that may be relevant to the investigation. For example, if an investigator is looking at emails related to an insider trading case, they may look at the metadata for emails sent between two individuals in order to identify any patterns or connections.

  3. Web browser metadata: Web browsers often store metadata about the websites that a user visits, such as the URL, title, and date visited. This can be useful in forensic investigations to identify which websites a person has visited and when.

  4. Exif metadata: Exif metadata refers to information that is embedded in a digital image file, such as the camera make and model, date and time the photo was taken, and any other details about the photograph. This can be useful in forensic investigations to help identify the origin of an image or to establish a timeline of events.

Overall, meta data can provide valuable context and context for computer forensics investigations, helping investigators to identify patterns, connections, and trends in the data they are examining


Mounting is the process of logically attaching a forensic image or copy of a storage device (e.g., hard drive, memory card) to the investigator's analysis system. This allows the investigator to access and examine the contents of the mounted image as if it were a physical drive, without modifying the original evidence.

When a storage device or disk image is mounted, it is assigned a directory path within the file system hierarchy, allowing users to interact with its files and folders as if they were stored locally. Mounting is a common operation in digital forensics for accessing disk images, forensic images, network shares, and other storage media to perform analysis, data recovery, or investigative tasks.

Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT)

  • A Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) is a treaty between two or more countries for the purpose of gathering and exchanging information in an effort to enforce public or criminal laws. These treaties are crucial in the global effort to combat crime and terrorism, especially when criminal activities transcend national borders. Here are the key aspects and purposes of MLATs:
  • Facilitates CooperationMLATs provide a formal basis for countries to assist each other in criminal investigations and prosecutions. This includes sharing critical evidence and information that could be vital for legal processes in another country.
  • Legal FrameworkAn MLAT establishes a legal framework that defines the procedures and conditions under which mutual legal assistance can be provided. This includes the types of assistance that can be requested, the authorities competent to make and receive requests, and the legal requirements that requests must satisfy to be fulfilled.
  • Scope of AssistanceThe assistance provided under an MLAT can include obtaining evidence, serving legal documents, locating or identifying persons, executing searches and seizures, and freezing or seizing assets. The exact scope varies depending on the treaty and the laws of the countries involved.
  • Respect for SovereigntyWhile facilitating cooperation, MLATs also respect the sovereignty of the countries involved. Requests for assistance must be consistent with the laws and regulations of the requested country. There are provisions to refuse assistance, particularly if a request is deemed to violate national sovereignty or security, or if it pertains to offenses considered political in nature.
  • Privacy and Human Rights ProtectionsMLATs usually contain provisions to protect individual rights, including privacy and due process. They ensure that information exchanged is used solely for the purposes for which it was requested and provided, with adequate safeguards against unauthorized use or disclosure.
  • Combatting International CrimeBy facilitating the exchange of information and evidence, MLATs play a crucial role in combating international crimes such as terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, cybercrime, and organized crime.
  • Execution and RatificationFor an MLAT to come into effect, it must be negotiated, signed, and then ratified according to the legal procedures of each country involved. The process can be complex and time-consuming, reflecting the importance of these treaties in international law enforcement cooperation.

MLATs represent a commitment among nations to work together in the fight against crime while balancing the need to respect national sovereignty and protect human rights. They are an essential tool in the toolbox of international law enforcement agencies, providing a legal basis for cooperation that might otherwise be difficult to achieve.