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Operation OShINT – Shake The Cobwebs

Knowledge Domains:
    • OS-INT
    • GEO-INT

Welcome to our group of challenges.

I assume you have what it takes to navigate the labyrinth, borg-like mind of its creators; otherwise, you would run in fear. But be careful, because if you get lost here, you will hear all the voices too.

In your future is a series of challenges that are meant to challenge varying skills. Oh, you thought because the title had OSINT in it that this was going to just be OSINT… (where would the fun be in that?)

Whatever you do – Don’t smash your keyboard on the desk or scream in the air; people will know you are not working. Just take a deep breath (DEEPER!) and take solace in knowing that, all who enter will travel the same path, and once beyond the door, the only ways to leave are by closing the browser or reaching the end.

Start the operation here: