CSI Linux Downloads

Default username: csi | Default password: csi

CSI Linux has many updated tools, features, and additions.

When turned on, the CSI_TorVPN encapsulates all traffic through Tor, similar to Tails. The CSI_Gateway app points to a Whonix gateway VM, providing two options for the Virtual Appliance. If you’re using the bootable version, only the CSI_TorVPN is available.

You can also add a VPN or gateway to your network router for additional network security. For bugs or suggestions, please contact us by email.

Installation Document: Download Here

CSI Linux Virtual Appliance

The CSI Linux Virtual Appliance is available in three formats: VirtualBox, VMware, and KVM/QCOW2. Choose the version that suits your environment.


Install VirtualBox and the Extension Pack

Export the downloaded .7z file to the destination folder and import the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Download for VirtualBox

MD5: 45ffb4ac025b31b831146a09f7d3ddd0

Run the downloaded OVA file to create the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Note: This is a VirtualAppliance or .OVA file and is very large.

Download for VirtualBox

MD5: d8b6c566a2f2c352237fd83d9d38d7e2


This version is optimized for VMware environments. Ensure VMware is installed, then import the downloaded .ZIP file.

Export the downloaded .zip file to the destination folder and import the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Download for VMware

MD5: 2cc976f98fec534f6cc1b64e9744beb2


This version is packaged as a QCOW2 image for KVM/QEMU environments. Follow your platform’s instructions for importing QCOW2 files.

Note: This is in a .7z file and should be extracted before using.

Download for KVM/QCOW2

MD5: e307d9270e5472a535cf3ad777075296

CSI Linux Bootable Image

The CSI Linux Bootable Image is available in two formats: the main bootable image and the bootable triage drive.

CSI Linux Bootable Triage Drive

  • Minimum Requirements:
  • Imaging Tool (HDDRawCopy included)

Note: This is NOT an ISO file. It is a forensic copy in DD format. Please read the instructions before downloading.

Download Triage Drive

MD5: 670351f4386f8512e0bd2fc830487ef8

CSI Linux Bootable Triage Apps

This section includes additional bootable triage applications for forensic and security use cases.

Export the downloaded .7z file to the destination folder and import the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Note: This is in a .7z file and should be extracted before using.

Download Triage Apps

MD5: 440d0244a6fb177eaf6e43c60d55eaec

CSI SIEM Virtual Appliance

The CSI SIEM Virtual Appliance is available in two formats: VirtualBox and VMware. Choose the version that suits your environment.

Username: defender

Password: Defender1!


Install VirtualBox and the Extension Pack

Export the downloaded .7z file to the destination folder and import the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Note: This is in a .7z file and should be extracted before using.

Download for VirtualBox

MD5: c7c7c42c5b50e238db2bb091879f9951


This version is optimized for VMware environments. Ensure VMware is installed.

Export the downloaded .7z file to the destination folder and import the VirtualBox Virtual Appliance.

Note: This is in a .7z file and should be extracted before using.

Download for VMware

MD5: b5bb4d3fa78486d45deffe3c6fe7c1a6