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Tag: Challenges

A Simplified Guide to Accessing Facebook and Instagram Data for Law Enforcement and Investigators

For professionals often coming from non-technical backgrounds, understanding this process in layman’s terms is crucial. This encompasses knowing what types of user data are accessible, navigating the legal routes to acquire such data, and recognizing its pivotal role in investigations. From personal details and location history to communications, online activities, and even financial transactions, the…

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DEF CON 31 Breaking: AI Cyber Challenge Announced for DEF CON 32 & 33

From: DEF CON® Hacking Conference Home DEF CON will host the Artificial Intelligence Cyber Challenge #AIxCC semis in 2024 and the final in 2025! @DARPA, @openssf ,@Google, @AnthropicAI @Microsoft & @OpenAI are working together to challenge contestants to create novel AI cybersecurity systems. Over $18m in cumulative prizes, access to cutting-edge tech, and a chance to…

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